Watering Women

An Online Event For Women, Water, and Entrepreneurship

Mothers, Sisters, Grandmothers, Aunties, Feminine Entrepreneurs, Feminine Content Creators

The Feminine Way

of business

You've probably heard of the masculine and feminine energies in business, but what if there is more to it?

  • Have you ever thought about our biological differences as women?

  • Maybe you have found yourself trying to work like men do?

  • Do you expect yourself to be "ON" all the time?

  • What about abandoning yourself to fit in to the expectations of others?

This can lead to burn out, perfectionism, and even questioning your identity

Do you find yourself...

  • Knowing that there is a better feminine way, but not knowing how to do it?

  • Do you have a vision for your life with time freedom, and financial freedom WITH your family?

  • Open to making money online, and leveraging the digital space?

  • Feeling sleezy and transactional about sales and entrepreneurship but ready to step it up?

Wellcome to the Watering Women Event !

What does it mean to be a Watering Woman?

Dry to Drenched

  • A woman who values her gifts, her time, and her service

  • A woman who is Watering herself so she can Water others

  • A woman who prioritizes bringing joy to all of her endeavors

  • A woman who is deeply connected to the well of compassion and grace within herself

  • A woman who values her health, and knows how important her own regeneration is


Virtual Event

What are YOU receiving from this event?

  • Authentic branding and finding your voice in your messaging

  • Learn our feminine biology and how to optimize natural law

  • Hear from our 6 and 7 Figure Feminine Leaders

  • Social media creators who are actually enjoying the process!

  • Learn the keys to the algorithm without you becoming a slave to it

  • How to curate content that represents your authentic message

  • Learn from diverse feminine creators who have results ranging 5k to 60k followers

  • Proven strategies on organic intimate engagement that convert results

  • How to heal the nervous system, while building a business

  • Learn about our High Ticket Affiliate Marketing Vehicle

  • A Worldwide Philanthropic opportunity that helps the Earth, and Our People

  • How to coach yourself through feminine leadership

  • Learn about what we call Hydrated Sales and Marketing

Women's Health

Did you know that most health studies are done on men?

  • Learn about our biology and the Water Body as Women

  • Hear about how Hydrogen is the number one leading antioxidant, and how that affects Women's health

  • Learn about the natural beauty movement that is taking the world by storm

  • Learn about your hormonal cycles as Women, and how to sync your business

  • How Nature and Women's health are interconnected

Well Sourced, and Well Watered

We are no longer giving from an empty cup

We are overflowing, and Watering our communities

Hear from our Feminine Leaders who value nature, who value communal abundance, who value being a Woman, who value free birthing, who value sustainability, who value living sovereignly, and not exploiting ourselves just for success.

Many of our speakers have been apart of this movement for years!

Come hear us speak from our hearts and how we really feel as Women working with Water in a modern way.

Speaker Panel

Meet Your Host


Jilly Torrez

Speakers For Our Next Event Will Be Announced Soon!!

General Admission

Access to the Watering Women 12/2 Event

Option to purchase recording

VIP Access

Access to the Watering Women Event on Monday 12/2

***VIP Bonus*** Will Be Announced Soon!

Our Previous Event Included a Group Branding Session

Recording Included With VIP

Water and Women

Women were the Water gatherers. We bathed together, cleaned our food, and still have an intimate connection with the Water and healing.

Water and Money

Currentsea, Cash Flow, Liquid Assets, Wellth, Multiple Streams.

Come learn about the intimate connection between Water and money!

"All women have a unique authentic expression and we don't have to all be the same"